I regularly make these flax crackers as they’re really handy to have around for snacks with dips and they’re gluten free – I can tolerate some gluten but do find it makes me tired and lethargic if I eat it too often so I like to have alternatives to hand. They’re also ridiculously simple, the basic recipe just being flax seeds and water. However, this does taste a little bland so I like to experiment with different flavours. Ginger, garlic, tamari and chilli work well, but here I’ve gone for a bit more subtlety and added rosemary and parmesan.
I sometimes use half flax, half chia seeds for a wider array of nutrients but this makes it much stickier and so much harder to flatten into crackers. I also sprinkle whatever seeds I have to hand on the top which boosts the flavour.
Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.
Flax are one of the best vegetarian sources of the vital omega 3 fats. They are also nature’s most abundant source of lignans – fibre compounds that bind to oestrogen receptors. As we live in a world where most of us have excess oestrogens which can be linked to some cancers (such as breast and prostate) and also hormonal problems such as PMS, acne and PCOS, it makes sense to include lignans in the diet. Lignans also increase the production of a protein which regulates levels of circulating oestrogen in the body.
I sometimes dehydrate the crackers on a low temp (between 50 – 70⁰ C ) for about 7 hours, but that does mean the oven is out of action all that time and I’m not sure how energy efficient it is so the recipe below is for baked crackers and I kept the temperature as low as possible to protect the heat-sensitive nutrients from destruction.

Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.
Servings |
Prep Time |
25 crackers |
10 minutes |
Servings |
Prep Time |
25 crackers |
10 minutes |
Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.
Servings |
Prep Time |
25 crackers |
10 minutes |
Servings |
Prep Time |
25 crackers |
10 minutes |
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees celsius. This low temperature protects the fragile fats in the seeds
Place the flaxseeds, water, rosemary and parmesan in a food processor. Blitz together until in becomes a gooey mess - don't worry that some of the seeds remain whole.
Line a baking tray with parchement paper and place the seed mixture in the centre, flatten as much as you can with your hands - warning the mix is very sticky.
Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the surface and cover with another sheet of parchment. Use a rolling pin to flatten the mixture as thin as possible (around 3-4mm).
Remove the top layer of parchment, if any of the mixture has stuck to it, scrape it off and press down with your hands onto the tray.
Sprinkle with sea salt and place in the oven. After about 10 minutes, remove from the oven and run a knife or pizza cutter along the tray to score your desired cracker shapes.
Bake for a further 50 minutes. If you have time, turn the oven off and leave for a few hours as this dries the crackers out even further but is not essential
We hope you enjoy this recipe, let us know how you get on in the comments below or on our facebook page and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to receive more recipes, nutrition tips and expert advice.