
Kids Recipes

RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Sweet potato and cinnamon cupcakes

By  •  6 years ago

Are you running out of after-school snack ideas or, like us, need a little something to cheer up a rainy day? These tasty sweet potato and cinnamon cupcakes may be …
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RecipesDrinksKids Recipes

Cashew Chocolate Milkshake

By  •  8 years ago

This is such a creamy and delicious milkshake, a real treat and great to have any time of the day. The ingredients are especially good for boosting the ‘happy and …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

A healthier chocolate bar

By  •  8 years ago

Being healthy doesn’t’ mean having to give up delicious treats but it does sometimes mean a little extra work to get them. These chocolate bars take a couple more steps than …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Chocolate orange ice lollies

By  •  8 years ago

Read the back of any ice lolly packet and there’s usually a whole host of unrecognizable (and unnecessary) ingredients along with sugars, fructose, colours, flavours and stabilzers. I don’t like …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Gingerbread Bunnies

By  •  8 years ago

Easter isn’t traditionally thought of as a healthy occasion, It’s more of a sugar fest with kids running around hunting countless eggs and people visiting armed with bags of mini …
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RecipesSavoury SnacksKids Recipes

Healthy Halloween Food

By  •  9 years ago

Halloween: a night for pumpkins, garish costumes, excited kids and sugar. ‘Healthy Halloween food” seems a total contradiction in terms. When they were younger, the children were placated by a simple Halloween …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Homemade Healthy Ice Lollies

By  •  9 years ago

Each summer we make loads of homemade healthy ice lollies, and these are our current favourites! They’re pretty much frozen fruit smoothies, so it’s an easy way to ensure that we’re …
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RecipesBreakfastKids Recipes

Carrot and walnut muffins

By  •  9 years ago

Muffins aren’t usually a healthy choice for breakfast. The reality is they’re often just oversized cupcakes for adults. Yet for many of us they’re still the breakfast-to-go option. We wouldn’t …
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RecipesMain MealsKids Recipes

Lentil Dahl

By  •  9 years ago

This nourishing lentil dahl is packed with anti-viral ingredients, and is simple to make and enjoy – either as a meal in itself or as a side dish to curries.

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Savoury SnacksKids Recipes

Kale and basil pesto

By  •  9 years ago

Pesto is such a handy thing to have in the fridge and can really enhance so many foods from roasted vegetables to brushcetta and pasta dishes. The flavour of the …
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Kids RecipesSweet Treats

Healthy Chocolate Hobnobs

By  •  9 years ago

I stumbled across this recipe idea whilst making our version of twix chocolate bars. I actually found the biscuit base delicious on its own so saved some to make nutritious oaty biscuits for after …
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RecipesSavoury SnacksKids Recipes

Vegetable crisps

By  •  10 years ago

I’ve never really had a sweet tooth but I do have a weakness for crisps and can happily, mindlessly chomp my way through big bags before I even know it. …
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RecipesMain MealsKids Recipes

Roasted Vegetable Pasta Sauce

By  •  10 years ago

A steaming bowl of refined white wheat pasta, smothered in sauce and cheese isn’t usually high on the top of any nutritionist’s ‘must-eats’. But pasta has fast become an essential …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Fruit Rolls

By  •  10 years ago

I settle on yoyo bear treats (kind of dried fruit strings) as the best option for my kids when we’re out as they aren’t that bad when you consider the …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Ten Healthy Homemade Ice Lollies

By  •  10 years ago

The kids know it’s summer time so are asking for ice lollies whenever they spot an opportunity; this summer they’ve thankfully accepted without question that at home we’ll make our …
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RecipesMain MealsKids Recipes

Tasty prawn courgetti

By  •  10 years ago

This prawn courgetti recipe is really simple to make and tastes amazing. You feel so virtuous afterwards as compared to the bloated, lethargic feeling after a bowl of regular pasta. …
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RecipesMain MealsKids Recipes

The best homemade burgers

By  •  10 years ago

After last week’s blog on how to reduce the harmful effects of barbequing meats we’ve had lots of comments and questions as to how to incorporate all the advice. So …
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RecipesSavoury SnacksKids Recipes

Easy bean dips (that aren’t hummus)

By  •  10 years ago

Much as I love hummus, occasionally I get a little bored of it but it’s just so convenient for lunch and snacks. So I developed some alternatives: easy bean dips that aren’t …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Antioxidant-rich chocolate cupcakes

By  •  10 years ago

If cake was meant to be eaten for breakfast, these would certainly qualify as a nutritious choice. They taste like creamy, fluffy chocolate cupcakes but actually have good levels of …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Homemade Chocolate Nut Butter

By  •  10 years ago

What child (or adult, in fact) doesn’t love a great big jar of chocolate nut butter?

I love the idea of choccy nut butter: a promising combo of cocoa (rich …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Rooibos fig rolls

By  •  11 years ago

Finding healthy snacks and treats has become a bit of an obsession with me, especially post Christmas where I still find myself rummaging through cupboards in search of a reward. …
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RecipesBreakfastKids Recipes

Porridge – an easy, quick, healthy breakfast

By  •  11 years ago

Breakfast can be a massive challenge on a weekday – getting it quickly, making sure we have enough time to sit and eat it, and making it nutritious enough to …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

A healthier bounty

By  •  11 years ago

For any of you who are friends with us on facebook, you may have seen our home-made bounty bars a few months ago. I seriously couldn’t believe these healthy versions …
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RecipesKids RecipesArticles

Practical Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

By  •  11 years ago

I feel as if I’m on a lunchbox crusade, trying to defend the lunchbox against the growing (and seemingly correct) reports that our school lunchboxes are unhealthy – just 1% …
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RecipesKids RecipesArticles

What to put in a school lunchbox

By  •  11 years ago

So September begins: we say farewell to carefree warm summer days, of picnics in the garden and far too-frequent ice creams. For those of us returning children to school, and …
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RecipesSavoury SnacksKids Recipes

Nutritious kale chips

By  •  11 years ago

If you’re looking for a healthy crisp alternative, these kale chips work really well and are always devoured when guests come over. Not only are they really easy to make, …
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RecipesKids RecipesSweet Treats

Healthy Chocolate chip cookies

By  •  11 years ago

I usually pretend to forget about the class cake sale at my daughter’s school but last week she kept going on about it so I had to concede and agreed …
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RecipesKids Recipes

Breakfast in the buggy

By  •  11 years ago

Healthy recipes for a baby’s breakfast are often time consuming – more in the feeding than preparation but either way I find each meal can take up to an hour …
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RecipesMain MealsKids Recipes

10 veg (and no horse) bolognese

By  •  11 years ago

I’ve been thinking about the recent horsemeat scandal. I don’t know why it bothers me. I’ve never really had any more to do with horses than I have cows but somehow …
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RecipesBreakfastKids Recipes

Gluten free healthy pancakes

By  •  11 years ago

Pancakes aren’t just for Shrove Tuesday, they can be healthy and hearty at any time of the year. I’m not talking about the normal sort. Those full of butter, white …
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RecipesKids Recipes


By  •  12 years ago

Popcorn – there’s something about it: we don’t stop at a couple of mouthfuls – we feel compelled to keep going until we’re fit to pop ourselves. But popcorn is …
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RecipesDrinksKids Recipes

Simple berry smoothie

By  •  12 years ago

I blame myself for my daughter’s aversion to berries. I spent the weaning time so focused on including nutrient-dense vegetables that I assumed she would be sure to …
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