

Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg
8 years ago

Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg

By  •  Recipes, Foods

If there’s one nutritional ‘superfood’ on the supermarket shelves it has to be cruciferous vegetables. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre they are a beneficial addition to any diet. But …
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Homemade Ghee
8 years ago

Homemade Ghee

Ghee (also known as clarified butter), has been around for thousands of years; it’s one of the most nourishing foods around and is one of the best fats to cook with. …
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Health Benefits of Butter
8 years ago

Health Benefits of Butter

By  •  Articles, Foods

For over 50 years we’ve been told to ditch butter in favour of margarine with the aim of reducing saturated fat and raising ‘healthy’ polyunsaturated fats. Multiple recent research studies …
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Top 10 easy fruit and veg to grow
8 years ago

Top 10 easy fruit and veg to grow

By  •  Articles, Foods

Part of our passion at Eat Drink Live Well is to inspire people to reconnect with food. One of the easiest ways to do this is to grow your own. I …
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health benefits of apples
8 years ago

health benefits of apples

Whoever coined the ‘apple a day’ phrase was really onto a winner. It’s easy to get distracted by superfood powders, blueberries and broccoli yet overlook the cheap, unassuming apple, which …
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Can Christmas Lunch be Healthy?
9 years ago

Can Christmas Lunch be Healthy?

By  •  Foods, Events

Recent headlines suggest we consume a ridiculous 7000 calories on Christmas Day. Chocolates, sausage rolls, mince pies, pre-lunch snacks and alcohol make up most of that – but we think Christmas …
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Reasons to Eat Brussels Sprouts
9 years ago

Reasons to Eat Brussels Sprouts

By  •  Articles, Foods

Brussels sprouts seem to be the Marmite of vegetables – people either love them or hate them. For years I wouldn’t go near them – until I discovered that I …
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An interview with Joanna Blythman
9 years ago

An interview with Joanna Blythman

By  •  Articles, Foods

We’ve been lucky enough to have an interview with investigative food journalist Joanna Blythman. I have to say that her book Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets is a …
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Reasons To Eat Kale
9 years ago

Reasons To Eat Kale

By  •  Articles, Foods

Kale is seemingly the world’s favourite green leaf superfood at the moment – making appearances in salads and smoothies just as often as with the Sunday roast. It’s cheap, nutritious …
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Coconut Oil, Nature’s Perfect Ingredient
9 years ago

Coconut Oil, Nature’s Perfect Ingredient

By  •  Articles, Foods

I spent the weekend browsing through my brand new recipe book. It’s called ‘Coconut Oil Nature’s Perfect Ingredient’ and is something different and really interesting to read. It’s packed full …
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