

Bone Health
5 years ago

Bone Health

By  •  Articles, Health

Bone health is often overlooked as an important aspect of health – particularly with young girls and as women approach the menopause. The reality is that too many people don’t …
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Mooli and dill salad
6 years ago

Mooli and dill salad

We’ve been banging on about cruciferous veg for quite a while now and for good reason. If there’s one nutritional ‘superfood’ on the supermarket shelves it has to be cruciferous vegetables. …
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Tired all the time?
6 years ago

Tired all the time?

By  •  Articles, Health

One of the most common complaints we hear from our clients are feeling fatigued and tired all the time. Often this tiredness prevents people from properly addressing their diets and …
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Why we try to eat a rainbow every day
6 years ago

Why we try to eat a rainbow every day

By  •  Articles, Health, Kids

A term that frequently flies around in functional medicine circles is to ‘eat a rainbow’. Where previously we have always been told to simply eat more fruit and vegetables the …
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Miso Soup
8 years ago

Miso Soup

Miso soup is a healthy, digestive supportive lunch that we just can’t get enough of! We always have a jar of miso paste in the fridge (it lasts for ages) …
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Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg
8 years ago

Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg

By  •  Recipes, Foods

If there’s one nutritional ‘superfood’ on the supermarket shelves it has to be cruciferous vegetables. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre they are a beneficial addition to any diet. But …
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Beetroot and apple salad
8 years ago

Beetroot and apple salad

A super easy beetroot and apple salad that is the perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes or great served with a baked sweet potato. This recipe combines the liver …
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Watercress soup
8 years ago

Watercress soup

Watercress soup is an easy way to give your body a nutrient boost and such a delicious, comforting meal perfect for these chilly evenings. It’s full of the flavours of …
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Struggling to shift belly fat? Read on…
9 years ago

Struggling to shift belly fat? Read on…

Ever wondered why after all that dieting you simply can’t shift that belly fat? Well read on because sometimes a challenging diet or lifestyle can be just the ingredients our …
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Mackerel and avocado bruschetta
9 years ago

Mackerel and avocado bruschetta

By  •  Recipes, Breakfast

This recipe is really quick and a good choice for a busy day as it’s high in healthy fats and protein which keep you sustained and will get you through …
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