

5 steps to staying healthy in the holidays
6 years ago

5 steps to staying healthy in the holidays

By  •  Articles, Health

Visit any supermarket and it’s like some sort of junk food frenzy with giant boxes of crisps, metre long tubes of chocolates and enough discounted booze to fill the Thames. …
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Sweet potato and cinnamon cupcakes
6 years ago

Sweet potato and cinnamon cupcakes

Are you running out of after-school snack ideas or, like us, need a little something to cheer up a rainy day? These tasty sweet potato and cinnamon cupcakes may be …
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Chocolate orange ice lollies
8 years ago

Chocolate orange ice lollies

Read the back of any ice lolly packet and there’s usually a whole host of unrecognizable (and unnecessary) ingredients along with sugars, fructose, colours, flavours and stabilzers. I don’t like …
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Health Benefits of Butter
8 years ago

Health Benefits of Butter

By  •  Articles, Foods

For over 50 years we’ve been told to ditch butter in favour of margarine with the aim of reducing saturated fat and raising ‘healthy’ polyunsaturated fats. Multiple recent research studies …
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5 ways to boost mood with diet
8 years ago

5 ways to boost mood with diet

By  •  Health

Modern life has become increasingly stressful. We’re constantly juggling so many things and not switching off properly. With all this rushing around many of us grab quick fixes to get …
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6 tips for healthy glowing skin
9 years ago

6 tips for healthy glowing skin

By  •  Articles, Health

The key to healthy, youthful skin isn’t what you put on your face, but what you put on your plate. Beauty really does come from the inside out. The skin …
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Coconut Oil, Nature’s Perfect Ingredient
9 years ago

Coconut Oil, Nature’s Perfect Ingredient

By  •  Articles, Foods

I spent the weekend browsing through my brand new recipe book. It’s called ‘Coconut Oil Nature’s Perfect Ingredient’ and is something different and really interesting to read. It’s packed full …
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Mackerel and avocado bruschetta
9 years ago

Mackerel and avocado bruschetta

By  •  Recipes, Breakfast

This recipe is really quick and a good choice for a busy day as it’s high in healthy fats and protein which keep you sustained and will get you through …
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Should smoked salmon be an everyday food?
10 years ago

Should smoked salmon be an everyday food?

By  •  Articles, Foods

As a child I remember Christmas as the one time of the year we would eat lots of smoked salmon – a luxury food saved for a special time of …
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Vegetable crisps
10 years ago

Vegetable crisps

I’ve never really had a sweet tooth but I do have a weakness for crisps and can happily, mindlessly chomp my way through big bags before I even know it. …
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