{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Beans and Kale On Toast – Recipe”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Caroline”},”datePublished”:”2015-10-13 19:08:32″,”image”:””,”description”:”A super-healthy, quick lunch (or breakfast!)”,”recipeYield”:”4″,”prepTime”:”PT5M”,”cookTime”:”PT10M”,”recipeIngredient”:[“1 clove garlic”,”1 tsp turmeric (ground)”,”1 pinch black pepper”,”2 handfuls kale (shredded, tough stalks removed (or chard))”,”1 can …
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Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.