A super easy beetroot and apple salad that is the perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes or great served with a baked sweet potato. This recipe combines the liver supportive beetroots, carrots and apples with heart healthy fats and digestive-supporting apple cider vinegar.

Beetroots are rich in a number of nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium and iron. They are an excellent tonic for the liver as they stimulate the detoxification process and are great for cleaning and purifying the blood. Plus, beetroot are packed full of fibre that helps flush any toxins out of the body.
The pigment that gives beetroots their rich colour has been found to have strong cancer-fighting properties. Not everyone is a fan of beetroot but grating it raw and combining with flavours such as vinegar and apple transforms the earthy taste, resulting in a sweet, tangy salad that is delicious and virtuous.
Whoever coined the ‘apple a day’ phrase was really onto a winner. It’s easy to get distracted by superfood powders, blueberries and broccoli yet overlook the cheap, unassuming apple, which in our opinion, warrants equal superfood status. The health benefits of apples are many – they support the digestive system, blood sugar levels and heart health. They’re cancer protective, and are our favourite anti-asthma fruit. To find out more on why apples are one of our favourite fruits, see our article here!
A super easy salad that is the perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes or great served with a baked sweet potato. This recipe combines the liver supportive beetroots, carrots and apples with heart healthy fats and digestive-supporting apple cider vinegar.
Servings |
Prep Time |
4 people |
5 minutes |
Servings |
Prep Time |
4 people |
5 minutes |
A super easy salad that is the perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes or great served with a baked sweet potato. This recipe combines the liver supportive beetroots, carrots and apples with heart healthy fats and digestive-supporting apple cider vinegar.
Servings |
Prep Time |
4 people |
5 minutes |
Servings |
Prep Time |
4 people |
5 minutes |
Use the grating appliance for a food processor and finely grate the carrot, apple and beetroot (you can do this by hand too).
Place the grated ingredients in a bowl and mix well with the vinegar and oil until well combined. Season to taste.
Sprinkle with the toasted pine kernels and serve.
Recipe Notes
We hope you enjoy this salad, let us know how you get on in the comments below or on our facebook page and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to receive more recipes, nutrition tips and expert advice.
We hope you enjoy this recipe, let us know how you get on in the comments below or on our facebook page and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to receive more recipes, nutrition tips and expert advice.