

Beetroot and apple salad
8 years ago

Beetroot and apple salad

A super easy beetroot and apple salad that is the perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes or great served with a baked sweet potato. This recipe combines the liver …
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Carrot and walnut muffins
9 years ago

Carrot and walnut muffins

Muffins aren’t usually a healthy choice for breakfast. The reality is they’re often just oversized cupcakes for adults. Yet for many of us they’re still the breakfast-to-go option. We wouldn’t …
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Asian Coleslaw
10 years ago

Asian Coleslaw

My partner has a thing for coleslaw, the kind you buy in the supermarket. He claims it’s not that bad as it’s full of vegetables. Thing is it’s also full …
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Reasons to drink vegetable juices
10 years ago

Reasons to drink vegetable juices

By  •  Recipes, Drinks, Articles

I’ve become a bit of a juice addict. Not only do I feel so much more energised after my morning juice, I’m getting excited about all the various vegetables that I …
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Cooked or raw? The secret to getting the most out of your vegetables
11 years ago

Cooked or raw? The secret to getting the most out of your vegetables

Broccoli hit the headlines last week with an interesting study showing that cooking methods affect it’s nutrient status and can seriously change its cancer fighting properties. I regularly eat broccoli …
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Why I choose organic
11 years ago

Why I choose organic

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Despite the obvious advantage of natural farming practises to the soil and wildlife, I often find myself in heated discussions about organic food facing two main arguments: It’s no different and it’s …
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Safe sunbathing
11 years ago

Safe sunbathing

By  •  Articles, Health

Natural sunlight does generally boost immunity and improve health. One major reason for this could be that exposure to sunlight stimulates vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, overexposure depresses …
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Breakfast in the buggy
11 years ago

Breakfast in the buggy

By  •  Recipes, Kids Recipes

Healthy recipes for a baby’s breakfast are often time consuming – more in the feeding than preparation but either way I find each meal can take up to an hour …
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7 reasons to get gardening
11 years ago

7 reasons to get gardening

By  •  Articles, Health

As a Nutritional Therapist and passionate foodie, knowing where my food comes from is really important. I’m not a great gardener but there’s a real rationale for my little nutrition garden …
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