

Eat A Rainbow
9 years ago

Eat A Rainbow

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Focusing on the ‘eat a rainbow’ philosophy is a simple way to improve your diet. In a world where nutritional advice in the media often seems to be totally contradictory, …
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Health benefits of black pepper
9 years ago

Health benefits of black pepper

We use it to spice up our food and add flavour but there is so much more to black pepper and it can be a nutritional gem. Often referred to …
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Can chilli peppers help us live longer?
9 years ago

Can chilli peppers help us live longer?

By  •  Articles, Foods

A hot new study hit the news last week with the press reporting that spicy curries can make you live longer! Great news if you’re a fan of hot food …
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Strawberries and Cream
9 years ago

Strawberries and Cream

Strawberries and Cream

Strawberries and cream – I can’t think of a dessert that epitomises the British summer more – gorgeous weather with picnics, barbecues, tennis and bowls of vibrant …
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Should smoked salmon be an everyday food?
10 years ago

Should smoked salmon be an everyday food?

By  •  Articles, Foods

As a child I remember Christmas as the one time of the year we would eat lots of smoked salmon – a luxury food saved for a special time of …
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Is it safe to eat rice?
10 years ago

Is it safe to eat rice?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

Numerous global reports have found that there are high levels of arsenic in rice and rice products.

This is an enormous health crisis for many people across the world where rice …
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Can salt be healthy?
10 years ago

Can salt be healthy?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Before I became a nutritionist I rarely used salt. Ten years down the line and I seem to be increasingly liberal with my sprinkling of salt over certain foods. But …
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Reasons to drink bone broth
10 years ago

Reasons to drink bone broth

I am a big fan of bone broth, it has to be one of the most nutrient dense and nourishing foods on the planet. Whole books have been written on …
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Can fish fingers be healthy?
10 years ago

Can fish fingers be healthy?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

The original fish finger was launched by Birds Eye in 1955. Since then, these rectangle breaded fish pieces have probably made it onto every child’s plate with more than 1.5 …
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Summer Salad Leaves
10 years ago

Summer Salad Leaves

In summer I like to eat light, healthy salady lunches rather than the carb-heavy foods of winter. But it’s all too easy to spend a ton of money on summer …
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