
Posts By Caroline

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Rainbow Vegetable Chilli
4 years ago

Rainbow Vegetable Chilli

This veggie chilli is one of our go-to rainbow recipes, incorporating a range of different colours and plant foods. It’s similar to our chocolate chill but without the meat.

This …
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Healthier Homemade Mince Pies
6 years ago

Healthier Homemade Mince Pies

Mince pies are an integral part of the Christmas festivities in our house, and in recent years we’ve started making them after becoming disenchanted with stodgy, pastry-heavy supermarket versions. We …
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Festive Mincemeat Chocolate
6 years ago

Festive Mincemeat Chocolate

This Festive Mincemeat Chocolate recipe is simply a Christmas version of our easy Chocolate Tasty Bites – a healthier chocolate option for when that sweet craving hits. It wasn’t originally supposed to be on the site as …
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The Importance of sleep
6 years ago

The Importance of sleep

By  •  Articles, Health

One of the areas we discuss with clients at their first or second consultation is the importance of sleep. Five or ten years ago it wouldn’t have crossed my mind …
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Top 20 high magnesium foods
6 years ago

Top 20 high magnesium foods

By  •  Expert Tips

Magnesium is known unofficially as ‘nature’s tranquilliser’ due to it being a calming mineral, and is a supplement that we recommend most frequently to support relaxation/sleep, hormone balance and heart …
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Salted Pecan Nut Butter Recipe
7 years ago

Salted Pecan Nut Butter Recipe

We always have a jar of homemade (or bought) nut butter in the cupboard and this salted pecan nut butter is without doubt our current favourite. It’s also one of the …
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Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner
7 years ago

Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

By  •  Articles, Health

This isn’t a conventional blog post but rather a little self-indulgent, self-congratulatory post. A few weeks ago I became an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, one of just 16 in …
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Healthy Gingerbread
8 years ago

Healthy Gingerbread

Ok so we’ve been a bit liberal with the truth here – this healthy gingerbread recipe isn’t healthy in the same way as for instance a plate of kale –  but it’s certainly healthier than a lot of recipes as well as shop bought gingerbread!

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Homemade Yogurt
8 years ago

Homemade Yogurt

Homemade yogurt is surprisingly easy to make and whilst I’m never realistically going to abandon buying yogurt entirely (I’m far too lazy to do it all the time), I love …
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