

A Healthy Summer Barbecue
10 years ago

A Healthy Summer Barbecue

Could summer be summer without a barbecue? I don’t think so.  As a nutritionist I’m supposed to pour scorn on barbecues for a variety of reasons. I’m expected to encourage …
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Should we be soaking our nuts and seeds?
10 years ago

Should we be soaking our nuts and seeds?

There are many reasons why it is a good idea to soak nuts before eating them and it’s not just because they taste far better afterwards. Traditional cultures always soaked …
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Health benefits of asparagus
10 years ago

Health benefits of asparagus

By  •  Articles, Foods

The first few tips of asparagus in my garden popped through the earth a couple of weeks ago. I’ve had to move the bed once as golden autumn raspberry canes …
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Healthier Sweeteners
10 years ago

Healthier Sweeteners

We all know that sugar isn’t good for us but with so many alternatives being heralded as the saviour for the sweet tooth I thought I’d share my views on …
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Easter Lamb
10 years ago

Easter Lamb

By  •  Articles, Foods, Events

For years I never questioned our traditional Easter Lamb lunch. We have turkey at Christmas, and lamb at Easter. The shops and internet bombard us with the latest lamb recipes at …
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Are high protein diets healthy?
10 years ago

Are high protein diets healthy?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

A study hit the headlines last week saying that a diet high in animal proteins could be as bad for us as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Really?

The study …
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Why we should eat less sugar
11 years ago

Why we should eat less sugar

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Sugar: it’s the not so sweet hot topic of the month. The UK Action on Sugar group is raising sugar’s (negative) profile, working to reduce our intake of added sugar – …
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What is the healthiest cooking oil?
11 years ago

What is the healthiest cooking oil?

It seems such a simple question. Yet just how confusing can one subject be? Everyone has a different answer – including different ‘experts’ on the topic. So just what is …
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Cooked or raw? The secret to getting the most out of your vegetables
11 years ago

Cooked or raw? The secret to getting the most out of your vegetables

Broccoli hit the headlines last week with an interesting study showing that cooking methods affect it’s nutrient status and can seriously change its cancer fighting properties. I regularly eat broccoli …
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Should we eat pasta?
11 years ago

Should we eat pasta?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

In some circles carbs are considered the devil with bread and pasta being the ultimate sin. But for the majority of us pasta is a quick, easy and cheap meal …
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