{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Almond Berry Muffin Recipe”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Caroline”},”datePublished”:”2016-03-22 13:06:16″,”image”:”https:\/\/www.eatdrinklivewell.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/03\/almond-berry-muffins-2.jpg”,”description”:”A healthy low sugar alternative to muffins – and a great way to use up almond meal and coconut flour after making almond and coconut milk”,”recipeYield”:”12″,”prepTime”:”PT5M”,”cookTime”:”PT30M”,”recipeIngredient”:[“1 …
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The fruit and veg in these muffins make them deliciously moist and they are really filling. They hold together well, saving your car or pram from accumulating those piles of half rotten crumbs! Suitable for babies from 9 months although a great breakfast choice for all ages.
In this recipe we use quinoa flour for added protein. It’s so easy to make, simply place quinoa flakes in a food processor and whizz for 15 seconds to make flour. But, any wholegrain flour also works in this recipe.
These cupcakes are really easy to make, a great way to add more antioxidant-rich vegetables to your diet and are delicious alone or iced. I have two favourite icings for these cakes, depending on what I have to hand. I either make cacao coconut cream or our chocolate spread.