{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Cherry Oat Cookies”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Caroline”},”datePublished”:”2015-05-08 00:56:35″,”image”:””,”description”:”Healthy, easy cherry oat cookies”,”recipeYield”:”12-16 cookies”,”prepTime”:”PT10M”,”cookTime”:”PT20M”,”recipeIngredient”:[“2.5 cups porridge oats”,”1 tsp baking powder”,”4 tbsp maple syrup”,”2 tbsp butter (melted\/softened)”,”4 tbsp sour dried cherries (or 16 fresh stoned cherries)”,”1 …
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There’s little in life more satisfying than making your own, perfectly yummy, chocolate nut butter.
High antioxidant, wonderfully coloured – great for lunch or a pre-dinner snack
Beautifully coloured and antioxidant packed, perfect for a lunch with crackers or as an afternoon snack