

Soft Drinks, Jamie Oliver and Sugar Tax
9 years ago

Soft Drinks, Jamie Oliver and Sugar Tax

By  •  Articles, Health, Drinks

If you watched Jamie Oliver’s documentary last week you may have been astonished by some shocking images of children having teeth removed, teenagers suffering terribly with diabetes and Coca Cola …
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Allergy and irony!
9 years ago

Allergy and irony!

By  •  Health, Kids

Last week I was nearly taken out by a rogue Brazil nut discreetly hidden in a matcha protein bar! You won’t believe where I was – at the Allergy Show! You …
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An interview with Greg Rusedski
9 years ago

An interview with Greg Rusedski

By  •  Articles, Health

We’ve been lucky enough this month to interview Greg Rusedski – just in time for the start of Wimbledon 2015.

As well as delving into the highlights of Greg’s amazing …
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Is it ok to drink coffee?
9 years ago

Is it ok to drink coffee?

By  •  Health, Drinks

Is it ok to drink coffee

The debate on whether coffee is toxic or beneficial is controversial to say the least and to be honest I’m confused myself by all …
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Can salt be healthy?
10 years ago

Can salt be healthy?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Before I became a nutritionist I rarely used salt. Ten years down the line and I seem to be increasingly liberal with my sprinkling of salt over certain foods. But …
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Coconut water – what you need to know
10 years ago

Coconut water – what you need to know

By  •  Recipes, Drinks, Articles

Coconut water has become the UK’s fastest-growing soft drink. Sales are up 114 percent since last year with over 36 brands available in Britain. They don’t come cheap so we …
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Are high protein diets healthy?
10 years ago

Are high protein diets healthy?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

A study hit the headlines last week saying that a diet high in animal proteins could be as bad for us as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Really?

The study …
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Statins – a miracle pill?
10 years ago

Statins – a miracle pill?

By  •  Articles, Health

Whatever your view, recent NICE draft guidelines suggest offering statins to everyone with a 10% risk of a heart attack: that’s up to 12 million people in the UK. But …
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Do your kids eat better than you?
11 years ago

Do your kids eat better than you?

By  •  Articles, Health, Kids

Nutritionally speaking many children fare much better than their parents. Time and effort seem to be the most common excuses, coupled with exhaustion. Whilst there’s no escaping the tiredness that …
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Why we should eat less sugar
11 years ago

Why we should eat less sugar

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Sugar: it’s the not so sweet hot topic of the month. The UK Action on Sugar group is raising sugar’s (negative) profile, working to reduce our intake of added sugar – …
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