

Nutrigenomic Testing
8 years ago

Nutrigenomic Testing

By  •  Articles, Health

Unless you’ve been meditating on a mountain for the last year (sounds appealing after today’s school run), you’ve probably seen plenty of adverts for cheap, ‘do at home’ saliva based …
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6 ways to boost energy levels
8 years ago

6 ways to boost energy levels

Practically everyone we see in our clinic talks about lack of energy and feeling tired all the time. This will probably get worse when the kids break up leaving parents …
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After antibiotics
8 years ago

After antibiotics

A few weeks ago I was writing this feeling pretty sorry for myself. Impacted wisdom teeth resulted in infection, unbearable face pain and a diet of protein shakes, smoothies, soups, …
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5 ways to boost mood with diet
8 years ago

5 ways to boost mood with diet

By  •  Health

Modern life has become increasingly stressful. We’re constantly juggling so many things and not switching off properly. With all this rushing around many of us grab quick fixes to get …
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Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
8 years ago

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably read something recently about the health benefits of fermented foods. But just what are fermented foods – and are they really …
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Struggling to shift belly fat? Read on…
9 years ago

Struggling to shift belly fat? Read on…

Ever wondered why after all that dieting you simply can’t shift that belly fat? Well read on because sometimes a challenging diet or lifestyle can be just the ingredients our …
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6 top foods for detoxing
9 years ago

6 top foods for detoxing

People often think of detoxing as torturous starvation relying solely on fasting, juices or raw foods to purge the body of dietary and lifestyle sins. But the good news is …
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Detoxing – is it worth it?
9 years ago

Detoxing – is it worth it?

By  •  Articles, Health, Immunity

There seems to be a trend at this time of year with people having a dry January and ‘detoxing’. Recently this has sparked controversy in the medical community with scientists …
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6 tips for healthy glowing skin
9 years ago

6 tips for healthy glowing skin

By  •  Articles, Health

The key to healthy, youthful skin isn’t what you put on your face, but what you put on your plate. Beauty really does come from the inside out. The skin …
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Eat A Rainbow
9 years ago

Eat A Rainbow

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Focusing on the ‘eat a rainbow’ philosophy is a simple way to improve your diet. In a world where nutritional advice in the media often seems to be totally contradictory, …
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