

Tired but wired – breaking the cycle
11 years ago

Tired but wired – breaking the cycle

Stress is one of those conditions whereby we’re so anxious and exhausted from events that just taking care of ourselves seems stressful. I know I shouldn’t be using stimulants but …
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IBS and a low FODMAP diet
11 years ago

IBS and a low FODMAP diet

By  •  Articles, Health

IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – is something that clients frequently present with. Constipation, diarrhea, wind, bloating and abdominal pain can be debilitating. In the last few weeks I’ve had …
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Why I choose organic
11 years ago

Why I choose organic

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Despite the obvious advantage of natural farming practises to the soil and wildlife, I often find myself in heated discussions about organic food facing two main arguments: It’s no different and it’s …
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Nutrition and hay fever
11 years ago

Nutrition and hay fever

It seems that everywhere I look at the moment there are people with streaming eyes, a snuffly nose and comparing notes on which anti-histamine (or combination of) is working best. …
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Does sugar feed cancer?
11 years ago

Does sugar feed cancer?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Last week another cancer story hit the news. This is nothing new, there’s always some sensational breakthrough – vitamin D helps fight cancer, vitamin E can cause it, red wine …
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Safe sunbathing
11 years ago

Safe sunbathing

By  •  Articles, Health

Natural sunlight does generally boost immunity and improve health. One major reason for this could be that exposure to sunlight stimulates vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, overexposure depresses …
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Vitamin D: sunshine or supplements?
11 years ago

Vitamin D: sunshine or supplements?

Sunbathing can make you live longer!

“I’m busy making vitamin D. I’ll do it later” has been my excuse for lying in the sun doing nothing this weekend. Yes it …
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Should we be drinking juice?
11 years ago

Should we be drinking juice?

Whether or not drinking juice is good for us has been in the news a lot recently, and in fact our recent sugar blog sparked a bit of a debate …
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Sugar – a deadly addiction
11 years ago

Sugar – a deadly addiction

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

Given the choice, rats choose sugar over cocaine. Why does this not surprise me? I’ve been researching the perils of sugar for many years now, but what has recently come …
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7 reasons to get gardening
11 years ago

7 reasons to get gardening

By  •  Articles, Health

As a Nutritional Therapist and passionate foodie, knowing where my food comes from is really important. I’m not a great gardener but there’s a real rationale for my little nutrition garden …
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