

Lamb Koftas
9 years ago

Lamb Koftas

We’ve been making these lamb koftas loads lately – they’re so quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients. It’s also simple to make them in bulk and …
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Chocolate Chilli
10 years ago

Chocolate Chilli

This spin on traditional chilli con carne is easy to make, and perfect to share with friends. Chocolate chilli doesn’t sound like an obvious healthy option, but tweak a few …
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The best homemade burgers
10 years ago

The best homemade burgers

After last week’s blog on how to reduce the harmful effects of barbequing meats we’ve had lots of comments and questions as to how to incorporate all the advice. So …
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Easter Lamb
10 years ago

Easter Lamb

By  •  Articles, Foods, Events

For years I never questioned our traditional Easter Lamb lunch. We have turkey at Christmas, and lamb at Easter. The shops and internet bombard us with the latest lamb recipes at …
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Are high protein diets healthy?
10 years ago

Are high protein diets healthy?

By  •  Articles, Health, Foods

A study hit the headlines last week saying that a diet high in animal proteins could be as bad for us as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Really?

The study …
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Intermittent fasting – the new diet on the block
11 years ago

Intermittent fasting – the new diet on the block

Each year there’s some new diet promising remarkable results with little effort; think Atkins, Dukan, and Southbeach. What these diets have in common is they’re almost impossible to follow and …
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10 veg (and no horse) bolognese
11 years ago

10 veg (and no horse) bolognese

I’ve been thinking about the recent horsemeat scandal. I don’t know why it bothers me. I’ve never really had any more to do with horses than I have cows but somehow …
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Thai Pork Stir Fry
12 years ago

Thai Pork Stir Fry

Stir fries are the ultimate in quick, easy and healthy food, and we enjoy them at least once a week, kids included.

Our Thai pork stir fry is unbelievably easy and …
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Stock up on stock
12 years ago

Stock up on stock

We’re obsessed about homemade stock in our house. All the kids’ baby food was thinned with stock during weaning and we have a continuous supply in our freezer, in different …
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