Flax seed crackers
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Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.
Servings Prep Time
25 crackers 10 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
25 crackers 10 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
Flax seed crackers
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Flax crackers are great for weight loss as they are low carb and the high fat and fibre content keep you feeling fuller for longer so you’re less likely to crave other foods.
Servings Prep Time
25 crackers 10 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
25 crackers 10 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees celsius. This low temperature protects the fragile fats in the seeds
  2. Place the flaxseeds, water, rosemary and parmesan in a food processor. Blitz together until in becomes a gooey mess - don't worry that some of the seeds remain whole.
  3. Line a baking tray with parchement paper and place the seed mixture in the centre, flatten as much as you can with your hands - warning the mix is very sticky.
  4. Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the surface and cover with another sheet of parchment. Use a rolling pin to flatten the mixture as thin as possible (around 3-4mm).
  5. Remove the top layer of parchment, if any of the mixture has stuck to it, scrape it off and press down with your hands onto the tray.
  6. Sprinkle with sea salt and place in the oven. After about 10 minutes, remove from the oven and run a knife or pizza cutter along the tray to score your desired cracker shapes.
  7. Bake for a further 50 minutes. If you have time, turn the oven off and leave for a few hours as this dries the crackers out even further but is not essential
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