{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Healthy Homemade Mincemeat”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Caroline”},”datePublished”:”2015-12-08 12:05:57″,”image”:””,”description”:”An amazing-tasting, really easy recipe for healthy homemade mincemeat”,”recipeYield”:”3 jars”,”prepTime”:”PT5M”,”cookTime”:”PT20M”,”recipeIngredient”:[“1 apple (skin on, grated)”,”200 grams currants”,”200 grams raisins”,”100 grams dried cherries”,”100 grams dried cranberries”,”3 tbsp coconut oil”,”1 …
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The fruit and veg in these muffins make them deliciously moist and they are really filling. They hold together well, saving your car or pram from accumulating those piles of half rotten crumbs! Suitable for babies from 9 months although a great breakfast choice for all ages.