This broad bean, mint and lemon dip is a beautiful, pale green dip that evokes images of early summer, and is ultra-simple to make.
If broad beans are in season, and you have time, this can be a therapeutic ‘back to the old days’ dip to make with the kids, perhaps picking beans from the garden, and then podding the broad beans into bowls on a sunny patio on a lazy summer afternoon. On the other hand, like most of us who don’t have a garden full of broad beans or a spare afternoon, frozen broad or edamame beans also work well.

If you are podding your own, remove enough beans from their pods to give around 1½-2 cups of broad beans. After cooking in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, cool them rapidly by running under the tap and slip all the white, tougher outer cases off the bigger broad beans, leaving around a cup of tiny green, tender beans.

The lemon and mint in this dip work together to support the liver and digestive systems; mint helps to calm the gut – so is a great herb to use with beans.


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Broad Bean, Mint and Lemon Dip
Print Recipe
A beautiful pale green dip and really simple to make
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 5 minutes
Broad Bean, Mint and Lemon Dip
Print Recipe
A beautiful pale green dip and really simple to make
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 5 minutes
  1. Cook beans for around 5 minutes or until tender, and allow to cool
  2. Blitz all ingredients together in a food processor until creamy
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