

Easter Chocolate
11 years ago

Easter Chocolate

By  •  Articles, Kids, Events

It’s here. The chocolate fest is about to start. It’s hard to escape Easter Chocolate, particularly if you have kids, but if you choose your chocolate with care, there’s no need …
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Can diet affect asthma?
11 years ago

Can diet affect asthma?

By  •  Articles, Kids

It’s an utterly helpless feeling (and I speak from personal experience), seeing your child struggle to breathe due to an asthma attack. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent, yet …
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Should we let our kids eat cake?
11 years ago

Should we let our kids eat cake?

By  •  Articles, Kids

Many cakes are works of art – who wouldn’t be entranced by the beautiful, shimmery pastel coloured creations in the windows of cake shops? I struggle with how to deal with …
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Can fish oil improve children’s behaviour?
12 years ago

Can fish oil improve children’s behaviour?

Anyone who has children will have experienced their fair share of mortifyingly embarrassing public tantrums (from the kids not adults….). This happens to most of us periodically, but what if it’s a …
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Is cereal a healthy option?
12 years ago

Is cereal a healthy option?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

A good breakfast is vital, especially for kids who need sustenance for their busy days. Breakfast’s impact on blood sugar levels throughout the day dictates energy, concentration, cravings and behaviour. We …
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What’s in that snack?
12 years ago

What’s in that snack?

By  •  Articles, Kids

Depending on the age of your baby, you’ll likely be carrying around lots of snacks. Without snacks it’s almost impossible to get all the way round a supermarket, definitely impossible …
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Winter remedies
12 years ago

Winter remedies

By  •  Articles, Health, Kids

I’ve just tidied my cupboard and made a list of any supplements and remedies I may need over the winter. When kids come down with something it’s often sudden and …
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Calories for Kids
12 years ago

Calories for Kids

By  •  Articles, Kids

Calories for kids: does it matter where they come from? Yes, yes, and yes. Healthy calories feed the body and brain and help children heal and grow. Kids will still …
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Dealing with dry skin
12 years ago

Dealing with dry skin

By  •  Articles, Kids

A baby’s skin can get dry and crusty, often resulting in scaly patches. When you’re breastfeeding, your diet impacts your baby’s skin health so when this happened to my kids I …
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Is dairy really the best source of calcium?
12 years ago

Is dairy really the best source of calcium?

By  •  Articles, Kids

It perplexes me how we’re lead to believe that it’s a good idea to give kids plenty of cheese. I think we’re ingrained with the ideology that children need calcium to …
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