

Do your kids eat better than you?
11 years ago

Do your kids eat better than you?

By  •  Articles, Health, Kids

Nutritionally speaking many children fare much better than their parents. Time and effort seem to be the most common excuses, coupled with exhaustion. Whilst there’s no escaping the tiredness that …
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Antiviral Foods
11 years ago

Antiviral Foods

Late Autumn heralds the arrival of sniffles and coughs; children around the country, tired from school, are waking up with colds and sore throats. My family is no exception, and …
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Should we eat pasta?
11 years ago

Should we eat pasta?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

In some circles carbs are considered the devil with bread and pasta being the ultimate sin. But for the majority of us pasta is a quick, easy and cheap meal …
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Practical Healthy Lunchbox Ideas
11 years ago

Practical Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

I feel as if I’m on a lunchbox crusade, trying to defend the lunchbox against the growing (and seemingly correct) reports that our school lunchboxes are unhealthy – just 1% …
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What to put in a school lunchbox
11 years ago

What to put in a school lunchbox

So September begins: we say farewell to carefree warm summer days, of picnics in the garden and far too-frequent ice creams. For those of us returning children to school, and …
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Dried fruit: friend or foe?
11 years ago

Dried fruit: friend or foe?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

Dried fruits are a convenient snack, but are they actually as healthy as they seem? They tend to be thought of as tasty alternative to sweets, with whole aisles dedicated to …
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Healthy Picnics
11 years ago

Healthy Picnics

By  •  Articles, Kids

When the weather is lovely there is nothing better than a relaxing day in the park with the kids, catching up with friends and lying out in the sun. But …
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Do packed lunches make our children fat?
11 years ago

Do packed lunches make our children fat?

By  •  Articles, Kids

I wasn’t aiming to write about school lunches this week; it’s very poor timing, as children are about to begin their summer holidays. But an article in a Sunday newspaper …
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Is it wrong to hide vegetables in food?
11 years ago

Is it wrong to hide vegetables in food?

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

I think about my kid’s meals in advance, scanning the fridge for things I want to include and crafting sneaky ways of adding more nutrients to their meals. Its verging …
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Organic Meat
11 years ago

Organic Meat

By  •  Articles, Kids, Foods

Last weekend, my family and I set off on our first glamping adventure. I used to do a bit of camping when I was younger, and wanted the kids to …
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