
Posts By EatDrinkLiveWell

Latest Posts | By EatDrinkLiveWell
9 years ago


As Nutritional Therapists we’ve created this site to give you access to expert information, the latest scientific research and fabulous, no-hassle recipes for you and your family to enjoy everyday.

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Revamp a Recipe
9 years ago

Revamp a Recipe

Do you have a favourite recipe, dish or snack that is a little indulgent? How great would it be to have a healthier version of it that tastes just as …
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Our Story
9 years ago

Our Story

We met over 10 years ago whilst studying at the Institute of Optimum Nutrition. We didn’t really fit in so well there – we drank too much, stayed up too late and ate pizza. This cemented our friendship. Now, with four kids between us we still probably drink too much and still eat the odd [...]
Freeze blueberries to get more antioxidants
9 years ago

Freeze blueberries to get more antioxidants

Blueberries are packed full of nutrients but they do go a bit soggy in the fridge after a day or so don’t they? Well, here’s the good news – freezing …
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Chill Your Green Tea
9 years ago

Chill Your Green Tea

Hot, brewed green tea contains the highest levels of antioxidants and helps release EGCG. You can still enjoy cool tea, but prepare it the normal way first and allow to …
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Enjoy that green cuppa!
9 years ago

Enjoy that green cuppa!

Green tea is becoming more and more popular and while most of us enjoy the lighter taste we can also really enjoy the fact that it has great health benefits …
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Adding Alcohol to Berries Enhances the Antioxidants
9 years ago

Adding Alcohol to Berries Enhances the Antioxidants

Here’s a bit of research we love. Scientists accidentally found that adding alcohol to berries enhances the antioxidants by around thirty percent. Assuming this to be across the board, there’s …
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Don’t be afraid of Olive Oil
9 years ago

Don’t be afraid of Olive Oil

Most people are cautious of cooking with olive oil due to the bad press it has but a recent study compared oils placed in a deep fryer and found that …
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Lose Weight? Lose Alcohol
9 years ago

Lose Weight? Lose Alcohol

Beware of too much alcohol if you’re trying to lose weight. The problem is the metabolic priority your body places on alcohol calories compared to those from food. Your body …
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Vanilla is a Hidden Gem for Weight Loss
9 years ago

Vanilla is a Hidden Gem for Weight Loss

Vanilla is a hidden gem in the quest for weight loss. Adding vanilla to foods and smoothies helps the body convert white fat (for storage) to brown fat (which is …
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