

Why we try to eat a rainbow every day
6 years ago

Why we try to eat a rainbow every day

By  •  Articles, Health, Kids

A term that frequently flies around in functional medicine circles is to ‘eat a rainbow’. Where previously we have always been told to simply eat more fruit and vegetables the …
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Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg
8 years ago

Easy ways to eat more cruciferous veg

By  •  Recipes, Foods

If there’s one nutritional ‘superfood’ on the supermarket shelves it has to be cruciferous vegetables. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre they are a beneficial addition to any diet. But …
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Cashew Chocolate Milkshake
8 years ago

Cashew Chocolate Milkshake

This is such a creamy and delicious milkshake, a real treat and great to have any time of the day. The ingredients are especially good for boosting the ‘happy and …
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Are Superfood powders worth it?
8 years ago

Are Superfood powders worth it?

A spirulina shot in your smoothie, some baobab in your cupcake or some maca in your flapjack. A few years ago this would have sounded like a different language. The …
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3 hangover-busting smoothies
9 years ago

3 hangover-busting smoothies

By  •  Recipes, Drinks

We may be nutritionists but here at Eat Drink Live Well we love a drink as much as the next person, it’s fun! Not so much fun is the morning …
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A Healthy Frappuccino
9 years ago

A Healthy Frappuccino

By  •  Recipes, Drinks

We love a refreshing frappuccino so much that it doesn’t bother us if it’s tropical temperatures or snowing outside. What we don’t love so much is that they can contain …
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What to put in a smoothie
10 years ago

What to put in a smoothie

By  •  Recipes, Drinks, Drinks

One of the questions we’re asked most (after ‘should I buy a blender or juicer’) is what to put in a smoothie. It seems to be a real stumbling block, …
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Basic green smoothie
10 years ago

Basic green smoothie

By  •  Recipes, Drinks

A fresh juice or smoothie is an important part of my day. Through drinking them you can easily add a serious amount of fruit and veg to your diet and …
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Should we be drinking juice?
11 years ago

Should we be drinking juice?

Whether or not drinking juice is good for us has been in the news a lot recently, and in fact our recent sugar blog sparked a bit of a debate …
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Simple berry smoothie
12 years ago

Simple berry smoothie

I blame myself for my daughter’s aversion to berries. I spent the weaning time so focused on including nutrient-dense vegetables that I assumed she would be sure to …
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