

Bone Health
5 years ago

Bone Health

By  •  Articles, Health

Bone health is often overlooked as an important aspect of health – particularly with young girls and as women approach the menopause. The reality is that too many people don’t …
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Should we test for vitamin D?
8 years ago

Should we test for vitamin D?

Vitamin D was in the headlines earlier this year after the government recommended that everyone should supplement to protect against deficiency. They advised that many of us are at risk for not …
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6 ways to boost energy levels
8 years ago

6 ways to boost energy levels

Practically everyone we see in our clinic talks about lack of energy and feeling tired all the time. This will probably get worse when the kids break up leaving parents …
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5 ways to boost mood with diet
8 years ago

5 ways to boost mood with diet

By  •  Health

Modern life has become increasingly stressful. We’re constantly juggling so many things and not switching off properly. With all this rushing around many of us grab quick fixes to get …
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Are Superfood powders worth it?
8 years ago

Are Superfood powders worth it?

A spirulina shot in your smoothie, some baobab in your cupcake or some maca in your flapjack. A few years ago this would have sounded like a different language. The …
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Tired but wired – breaking the cycle
11 years ago

Tired but wired – breaking the cycle

Stress is one of those conditions whereby we’re so anxious and exhausted from events that just taking care of ourselves seems stressful. I know I shouldn’t be using stimulants but …
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Safe sunbathing
11 years ago

Safe sunbathing

By  •  Articles, Health

Natural sunlight does generally boost immunity and improve health. One major reason for this could be that exposure to sunlight stimulates vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, overexposure depresses …
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Vitamin D: sunshine or supplements?
11 years ago

Vitamin D: sunshine or supplements?

Sunbathing can make you live longer!

“I’m busy making vitamin D. I’ll do it later” has been my excuse for lying in the sun doing nothing this weekend. Yes it …
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Natural ways to beat PMS
12 years ago

Natural ways to beat PMS

By  •  Articles, Health

PMS affects about seven out of ten women. It’s certainly something I frequently see in my clinic. For some women it can be really distressing and affect many aspects …
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Choosing supplements
12 years ago

Choosing supplements

Taking cheap supplements can be a false economy. With calcium for instance, reputable brands use a form that’s highly absorbable so you can be confident that the product provides you with …
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