Almond Milk
A gorgeously creamy, unbelievably easy to make non-dairy milk
Servings Prep Time
900mls 8-12hours
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
900mls 8-12hours
Cook Time
  1. Soak almonds in water overnight
  2. Strain in a sieve, discarding the soaking water. Rinse thoroughly with running water
  3. Place in a food processor or good blender with the pitted dates
  4. Add 1 cup of water and blitz for 30 seconds before adding the remaining water and processing until creamy
  5. Take a large bowl or jug and line it with a nut milk bag, jellybag, cheesecloth, muslin, or fine mesh sieve. Slowly pour the blender contents into it. Pick up the bag so that the milk drips through, and squeeze hard (this is the only messy bit – but strangely satisfying!) to extract any remaining liquid. Refrigerate covered for up to 4 days
  6. To make almond flour, spread leftover almond pulp on a baking tray at a very low heat (max 120° Celsius) until dry – around 1-2 hours. Either store it and add to granola, porridge or muffins in it’s chunky form, or put it back in the processor to make finer almond flour for baking