A quick and easy, high antioxidant breakfast!

This pretty pink berry porridge is quick to make and gives a healthy low GI/GL, fibre and phytonutrient-packed start to the day.

In chillier mornings at home, oat porridge features at least three times a week; along with eggs, it’s our breakfast of choice if the morning ahead looks busy. Oats are a great grain: gluten-free, cholesterol lowering, but also satiating. In short, this means they’ll keep you fuller for longer –  a big bowl of this porridge should keep you going until lunchtime.

Our berry porridge is a no-hassle favourite; we always keep berries in the freezer and oats in the cupboard, so it’s simple to make. You can of course use fresh berries, but frozen are normally cheaper, making this a really economical, filling, yet healthy breakfast choice.

Cooking the berries in with the porridge makes the beneficial phytonutrients they contain more available to us and using a few fresh seasonal berries on top of the porridge adds more texture and flavour. You can use any milk for this (we use coconut milk) but you will need to experiment with the volume of liquid to oats, depending on brand and if you like thicker or thinner porridge.

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Berry Porridge
Print Recipe
A great blood-sugar balancing, phytonutrient-rich start to the day
Cook Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Berry Porridge
Print Recipe
A great blood-sugar balancing, phytonutrient-rich start to the day
Cook Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
  1. Add milk of your choice and oats into a pan and bring to the boil, stirring regularly with the wrong end of a wooden spoon or traditional porridge spurtle
  2. Once the porridge reaches boiling point, reduce heat and simmmer for a minimum of 5 minutes - ideally 10-15. If you're using fresh berries you can add them now. Stir intermittently to make sure it doesn't stick.
  3. If you're using frozen fruit, wait until nearly ready to serve and then stir in vigorously to break it up - this has the advantage of rapidly cooling the porridge so that it is ready to eat. If you prefer your porridge thinner, this is the time to add some additional milk.
  4. Decorate with fresh berries and a drizzle of natural honey or maple syrup.
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